Your Tax Dollars at Work. No, Really!

Dear Congress,

I don’t ask for much. I live quietly, I take care of myself, I donate to charities, I work hard and save my money. I don’t expect to see a dime of the funds I have paid into Social Security and Medicare when I retire, because I know that money is already all gone. It’s okay, I’ll probably get by without going on the dole, even thought my 401(k) is not nearly what it used to be…

But since you’re looking for ways to cut spending here and there, I hereby request three small cuts. Oh, I know they won’t make much difference to our bottom line, but really, these are things that our tax dollars should never have funded in the first place.

#1: Defund Planned Parenthood

#2: Defund public broadcasting

#3: Stop using our money to rebuild and shore up mosques both here and abroad. I mean, after all, isn’t separation of church and state one of those bedrock standards the liberals hoist up every time a kid says a brief “Thank you, Father” after a touchdown at the school football game? Or if someone wants to include that icky “under God” part of the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag? So why on earth are we spending close to a billion dollars on shoring up mosques in Egypt, Cyprus, Tadjikstan, Mali, and who knows where else?

So please… just stop doing that.

Oh, and by the way; remember November, 2010? November 2012 is rapidly approaching. I’m just saying.

Yours very sincerely,
A proud Tea Partier

One Response to Your Tax Dollars at Work. No, Really!

  1. sevesteen says:

    I listen to NPR, and donate to Planned Parenthood. Neither should be taxpayer supported.

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