The Obama Years

October 9, 2013

years of dishonorLast year on September 11, the Obama administration sent a clear message to America’s diplomatic corps that it considered the security of our diplomatic posts around the world to be of little importance, and that little to nothing would be done to ensure the safety of our diplomats should anything untoward occur at their posts. Our people in Benghazi paid a terrible price for that.

This week, the Obama administration has sent a similar message to our troops. The message, in essence, is this: we respect the military and its traditions so little that should you be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice and lay down your life for your nation, we won’t bother to ensure that your grieving loved ones will be able to make the trip to meet your caskets as they arrive back on American soil; and we don’t really care if you can’t afford a funeral.

Even to those wearing rose-colored Obama glasses, it is becoming increasingly clear that there is no honor in this administration. Many of us have known it since the beginning, but since his second term began, this President’s true colors are beginning to shine very brightly indeed. And the colors aren’t pretty.

These, of course, are just two of the most recent in a long series of treacherous, despicable, contemptible, disgraceful, and blackguardly events that this administration has inflicted on the American people and the U. S. Constitution since Obama’s first inauguration. And he will not stop until he and his lackeys are out of office. 2016 can’t come soon enough. And by then it might be too late to save our nation.

In light of these, and the long string of similar events, I will no longer refer to this presidency as the Obama administration; henceforth, the terrible time from January 2009 until January 2017, will be known as The Years of Dishonor. Never has this great country had a more unprincipled person in its highest office. I pray we never will again.

2008-2016: The Years of Dishonor.


Life in Massachusetts

October 1, 2013

I know, I know, everyone else is writing about the shut down. Frankly, right now I just don’t care. I’m at the point of believing that every member of Congress, the entire Executive Branch, and all the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court are stupid, lazy, venal, out only for what they can get for themselves, and entirely uninterested in what is best for the nation. Even Ted Cruz, whom I like very much and wish were my senator.

If Ted Cruz were my senator, I wouldn’t have to be dealing with stupid stuff like this:


I got so mad when I saw this in my in-box, I fired off a response:

Since you were so kind as to send me an email about my abandoned cart, I will be nice enough to reply and explain why I abandoned it with unpurchased items still in it.
You will notice that in my cart were 2 of the Ruger BX-25 10/22 .22LR 25 Rd Mag for Ruger 10/22 Rifle products.

Do you know why I left them in my cart unpurchased? Because you won’t ship them to Massachusetts! Do you know how I know this? Surely it’s not because the product description actually mentions this prohibition–it does not. I know that because I placed an order for these same products last week, presuming that they would be shipped, but my order got cancelled and I received a “Oops!” email from you folks stating that you can’t ship the 25 round mags for the Ruger 10/22 to Massachusetts! Nowhere in the product description does it mention this little drawback. It mentions not shipping to CA, sure. But not to MA.

My hopes were dashed. So I went and checked the exact item name so that I could get them from another source. Yes, I left my cart full of your stuff in your store. Sorry about that. Next time I’ll delete all the line items before I decline to buy from you.

Wishing you the very best from this stupid blue state,
Harwich, MA

I know it won’t change anything, but it made me feel a little bit better. And if Ted Cruz were my senator, I’d already have those mags, dammit!
