Whoopi Goldberg Would Be Pleased

February 26, 2013

[Content warning: somewhat graphic description in the article quoted below]

After all, it’s not rape rape

As reported by GlobalPost:

 A Swedish court on Thursday overturned a rape conviction for a man who performed a forced “infidelity check” on his girlfriend, prompting calls for rape laws to be changed.

Rachid Zoghlami was convicted of rape and sentenced to two years and eight months in jail in December, after he penetrated his girlfriend with his fingers to determine whether she had been unfaithful.

But a court of appeal in Stockholm ruled that the 28-year-old’s actions were to be viewed as coercion rather than rape since they weren’t driven by “sexual intent”, then reduced his sentence to 18 months behind bars.

Exit question: If I presume that Mr. Zoghlami is a Muslim, am I  a) racist  b) an Islamaphobe  c) Christianist  or d) all of the above?



February 8, 2013

SooperMexican does a great job of updating the “So God Made a Farmer” clip by Paul Harvey, most recently seen as a truck commercial in last week’s barnburner of a Super Bowl (even though the Pats didn’t play, it was quite a game).

The genius of SooperMexican brings us, “So God Made a Liberal”.

Enjoy. Share. And follow SuperMexican on Twitter: @SooperMexican
