White-Only Racist Rednecks Gather In Boston


Oh wait…

Never mind.

Actually, there was an amazingly diverse crowd here on the Boston Common today: old, young, men, women, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, business, casual. But there was one thing unifying the whole crowd: they were all smiling; they were all glad to be there; they were all having fun!

And it was a great day for a tea party. I met up with Boston-area blogger extraordinaire Sissy Willis of Sisu, who was working the crowd and having a great time with husband Tuck in tow. I was wearing my Tea Party 2010 tee shirt and presented one to Sissy as well. Sissy, maybe we should make it a habit of doing this every year!

Here’s just a few photos to tide you over until I can sit down and and do some proper editing.

New Tea Party attendee John brought his own version of Yankee ingenuity in his two-sided telescoping sign, and was having a blast!

While there were clearly some “false flag” operations (I got photos of signs and faces, and will post them later), the vast majority of people were there to hear Sarah Palin, exercise their First Amendment rights, and enjoy a beautiful Boston spring day.

More to come!

UPDATE: Instalanche! Many thanks, Professor Reynolds. Instapundit readers, welcome! Put up your feet and make yourselves at home.


22 Responses to White-Only Racist Rednecks Gather In Boston

  1. Sissy Willis says:

    A mighty fine post. Suggest you email at once to the Professor! You’ve captured the spirit of the day perfectly in your own inimitably concise, terse, pithy way.

    We are decompressing with cocktails, and I am basking in the glow of a fresh new Instalanche for the post I sent in just before we headed out this morning. SO wonderful to see you again, and I will treasure the tee shirt you gave me.

  2. […] ON BOARD THE TEA PARTY EXPRESS: Da Tech Guy. Plus, in Boston, an “amazingly diverse crowd.” […]

  3. Steve says:

    THANK YOU for posting this! I love your blog!!

    Common Cents

    ps. Link Exchange???

  4. ic says:

    Credentials on “Great” liberal women: must have rich and powerful liberal politico dads, e.g. Pelosi, Boxer; or rich and not so rich powerful husbands, e.g. Fienstein, Hillary.

  5. Alex says:

    All I want to know is if you got the numbers of any of the three hot racist chicks at the top of your post.

  6. […] received another one, he hasn’t reported it.And the Tea Party he holds in such disdain is a pretty textbook cross-section of America. I suppose he can afford to smack-talk a large chunk of America, what with him sitting in one of […]

  7. Shame on all of you! In the heart of the Commonwealth?! OUR FOUNDER would be SHOCKED! http://www.FATBOY.cc

  8. I’ll be doing a CNN http://www.LIVESHOT.cc tonight, denouncing this HATE!

  9. […] White-Only Racist Rednecks Gather In Boston « Grand Rants […]

  10. […] Addenda: Kudos to blogbuddy Stoutcat for churning out a post-party blogpost tout de suite with an Instalanche tossed in for laughs. Great post and pics! […]

  11. Josie says:

    Great post and wonderful pictures. You’re very good at this blogging stuff!!

  12. the other Ken says:

    Nice job guys, wish I could have joined you!

  13. […] White-Only Racist Rednecks Gather In Boston […]

  14. […] White-Only Racist Rednecks Gather In Boston   Oh wait… […]

  15. […] you try to make the point that the groups are made up of all white people, I will refer you to my blog posts on the subject, which are complete with photos and video of a racially diverse […]

  16. Russell Dee says:

    What a joke! The American people have figured it out. The tea-party is really the far right extreme fringe of the republican party. They tried to act like they were inclusive because they wanted to trick democrats and reasonable independents into thinking their only issue was the debt but the tea-party is really a southern redneck/confederate organization, with 68% of its’ rank and file members being in the south. That leaves 32% of rank and file tea-partiers scattered throughout the rest of the country so really the bulk of this movement is southern confedate rednecks who want their slaves back.

  17. Russell Dee says:

    I’ts mostly southern white people. They’re still racist after all these years. They are still fighting the civil war. These tea-partiers are indecent and immoral rednecks.

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