
Solyndra. LightSquared. AttackWatch. Operation Fast & Furious. US credit downgraded. Vacations on Martha’s Vinyard. Not-so shovel-ready jobs. Zero jobs created in August (first time since WWII). The list goes on and on. So far, our President hasn’t figured out how big a loser he becoming; he still seems to think that everyone loves him.

 Surrounded as he is by a gang of hand-picked thugs from Chicago and inside the Beltway, Obama seems to think he’s doing a great job, and that his agenda is being embraced by all right-thinking people. The reality, of course, is far different. His stumbling and bumbling has sent this country swirling the drain, and it may prove to be too late to recover. And yet, his oblivious attitude reminds me of someone… Just can’t quite remember whom… Ah, yes, I’ve got it!

Ladies and gentleman, I give you President Eric Von Zipper!


One Response to Ideal

  1. Sugel says:

    Heavan forbid Palin would ever become president.we know what George W did to our country just imagine what the Dumb and Dumber version Sarah Palin would do. Do you really think President Bush and the Republican congress would not have pushed for tax cuts if the economy was strong?

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