I Went to Tucson…


And all I got was this lousy tee shirt.

Yes, yes, The Speech was fine. Full of rainbows and unicorns and signifying nothing. But did the whole thing have to be turned into a campagin rally? Were the names of the victims listed on the back, like a rock band’s tour schedule? Faugh! This is appalling.

Do you remember anything like this happening at the memorial for the victims of the Virginia Tech shooting? Nope. Columbine?  The Amish West Nickel Mines School shooting? Nope.

Sure wish my great grandmother had grabbed one of these when she went to Gettysburg.


H/T: Althouse commenter DustBunny Queen

6 Responses to I Went to Tucson…

  1. Gerry Ashley says:

    “Where are the clowns?
    Send In The Clowns
    Don’t bother, they’re here…”

    Listening to President Obama lecture us on how to behave appropriately and chastising those who would try to turn this tragedy into political gain (i.e. his supporters) was somewhat akin to listening to Charlie Sheen lecture us on how not to treat women as sexual objects for our own pleasure.

    To paraphrase Michelle Malkin, “Right Speech, Wrong Speaker, Wrong Event.”

    Honestly, is there ANYTHING Obama won’t use as an opportunity to strut his holier than thou smugness? That was not a speech for a memorial. If he was at all sincere, this should have been in a private letter to every major news editor and members of Congress who immediately tried to blame this on conservative talk radio and anyone who considers themselves conservative.

    To all of you who jump on that bandwaggon: Get a clue. We, the people ain’t buying the bullsh*t anymore.

    One other comment: This “memorial” was more like a pep rally. The only things missing were cheerleaders and a mascot. Obama, of course, was oblivious as usual. He was too busy bathing in the moment like it was 2008. Once again, Michelle seemed proud to be an American.

    And most sadly, Christina-Taylor Green, Dorothy Morris, Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, Dorwin Stoddard and Phyllis Schneck, along with the surviving victims became little more than props for fist-pumping and chants. Did NO ONE involved in this event have any concept of the term solemn occasion?

    Another phony-balony “teaching moment” brought to you by “Mmmm-Mmmm-Mmmm, Barack Hussein Obama.”

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stoutcat and Grand Rants. Grand Rants said: RT @Stoutcat: The tacky-ification of the American presidency: "I Went to Tucson…" http://bit.ly/hTg9A9 #tcot […]

  3. […] Do You Solve a Problem Like Krugman?: DriscollI Went to Tucson…: Grand RantsA New Entry in the Urban Dictionary: Malkin […]

  4. Coriander says:

    [Comment deemed offensive and deleted]

    One more like that and you’re banned.

  5. […] Went to Tucson… (and all I got was this lousy tee shirt) Grand Rants ^ | 01-14-11 | […]

  6. Bob Sherunkle says:

    Hmmm… republicans and 9/11 sound familiar? I bet if it was the GOP in power you would be chastising the liberals and democrats for not wearing them and calling them un-American.

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