Fiscally Responsible Government? Riiiight!

Excuse me? The U.S. Government paid $2.5 million for this extremely stupid Super Bowl ad?

My tax dollars paid for this piece of dreck. So did yours. Why can’t the Census Bureau be fiscally responsible and create a memorable commercial for under a grand? Like, say something which only cost about $200.

I want my money back.


2 Responses to Fiscally Responsible Government? Riiiight!

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stoutcat and Grand Rants, As A Mom…. As A Mom… said: NewsCap:Fiscally Responsible Government? Riiiight!: Excuse me? The U.S. Government paid $2.5 M for this? #asamom […]

  2. Tom says:

    Stoutcat,Not only could they have spent a lot less money more effectively, they could have employed someone other than two or three of the biggest and richest libs in Hollywood. Sheesh! At least give some of the hand to mouth starving actors a shot! Oh, wait, we are talking about libs. I almost forgot, they are some of the most hypocritical people on earth.

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