South Side Values

You may already have heard what the First Lady  had to say when speaking with David Letterman (David Letterman?) the other night about raising kids in the White House:

“For us, it’s the values. The thing that we try to do is make sure — the residence is on the second and the third floor of the White House. And what we want to have happen is when they get off that elevator and walk in to our residence that it feels like the south side of Chicago, the same values, the same rules, the same sense of responsibility…” 

She may want to re-think the import of those “south side values,” given what’s going on back home these days:

Chicago’s police superintendent says the city is re-tooling its anti-gang strategy, following a particularly violent weekend during which several people, including a 6-year-old girl, were killed.”

“The majority of shootings in the city between Friday evening and early Monday morning happened on the city’s South Side, but areas from West Rogers Park to Humboldt Park also saw gun violence. The youngest victim was a 6-year-old girl, who was likely the innocent victim of gang violence in the Little Village neighborhood.”

Based on a quick search of “chicago south side violence”, I really don’t want South Side values being instilled in the White House. Do you?

2012: Anybody But Obama


H/T: Daily Scoreboard

3 Responses to South Side Values

  1. Gerry Ashley says:

    Sadly, the Chicago South Side is already installed in The White House. But’s also in all levels of the Obama Administration, from the Czars on down. “Our Mission, Should We Decide To Accept It” is to scrub the “Chicago South Side Stain” from the White House this November and restore some sense of dignity and PRO-AMERICA mindset to the Presidency.

    But if the “Anybody But Obama” solution is to have any lasting value, we need to STAY INVOLVED and at a high level of vigilance and vetting so we can NEVER AGAIN be “bamboozled by bullsh*t” the way we were in 2008.

    There will be an ONGOING NEED to hold each future President accountable and it will be up to “We The People” for vetting since we no longer have a mainstream media we can trust to do the job.

    That said, it is ALSO the responsibility of every man and women to vet CONGRESS in the same manner. We get the government we vote into office. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for vetting each and every candidate. Hold them to the standards you want for your children and their children. Only THEN will we have a government that is made up of those who remember THEY are there to serve US.

  2. Robbins Mitchell says:

    “South side values”…in other words,affirmative action and the street corner hustle

  3. […] week, it was south-side values, in which the First Lady expressed her determination to bring those somewhat questionable morals to the White […]

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