Obama Admin Shoots Self in Foot… Again


More fodder for GOP commercials for 2010 and 2012:

Call it tin-eared; call it tone deaf; call it what you will. It’s shameful.


[Edited to correct Air Force One cost.]

4 Responses to Obama Admin Shoots Self in Foot… Again

  1. Sissy Willis says:

    I like AllahPundit at Hot AIr’s name for it: Scare Force One! These people are truly in a Pauline Kael bubble squared.

  2. […] is not going to cut it, after scaring the hell out of folks in lower Manhattan for a carbon-heavy, Master-Card Priceless and thoughtless photo-shoot, a sword or two must be fallen […]

  3. Gerry Ashley says:

    Can I at least try to start a rumor that the flight was a gift from the Obama administration to Joe Biden as a reward for not anything stupid for a whole month?

  4. Lynda says:

    Life is tough enough without having to stand on the street and fear that your fellow Americans are about to be blown to bits by a hijacked plane AGAIN.

    This was by far the stupidest move I have seen in a long time. And I’ve seen a lot. I don’t care what their lame reasons are, because nothing they can come up with can possibly justify this particular brand of stupidity.

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